How To Run A Photography Business – with Jon Plimmer

You’ve firmly established yourself on the business scene as the go-to photographer in your local area, but can you tell us how you got into photography? That’s very kind of you but I’m not sure I’m quite there yet. I’ve built up a reputation through word of mouth and referrals, true. But I’m still very […]
How To Sort Your Finances Out With Alexis Charkiw

Alexis is an AAT qualified bookkeeper and has a huge amount of experience in startups and small business. She has three companies of her own spanning product, service and technology so not only does she add value to her clients but is extremely passionate about supporting other business owners to grow theirs. So, you’re a […]
How To Keep A Positive Mindset – with Amy Normanton

You always come across so positive and happy and in a good state of mind on social media but I’m assuming there are bad times. What helps you bounce back when you have a bad day? I find it really important to not have a highlight reel on social media. Years ago when i first […]